OKR Webinar

In June, I was invited to speak about goal-setting using Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for NVISIA’s ELITE Webinar Series. ELITE is a group of technology leaders from around the Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago area. We regularly get together to share ideas and best practices from our experiences in software development. Everyone from the NVISIA team that I’ve worked with has been excellent and I’m pretty happy with how this OKR webinar turned out.

To learn more about OKRs without watching the slides, check out my simplification series blog post about goal-setting here.

OKR Webinar Slides

Here’s a recording of the presentation, which was meant to be a quick introduction to OKRs, followed by a deeper dive into how to use them as an executive team.

What’s Next?

So, what else have I been doing all summer (besides a LOT of kayaking)? I’ve been working on a college level course that I’ll be teaching in the fall at UW-Madison: CS 638, the Computer Science Capstone! We’ve partnered with three amazing companies to give students a real-world experience in building software. Students will build a product from inception through production — all in 14 weeks. How? Self-selection, agile software development, design thinking, mentorship, coding best practices, and more. Stay tuned to hear more about the class!