Visit The New Self-Publishing Series Page

Self-Publishing Series Page - Me holding my book!

My self-publishing series may be complete, but the information will continue to be relevant. I’d like all of my readers to be able to find the series easily, so, I’ve published a new self-publishing series page this week.

I plan to update the articles as I learn more and maybe even add new ones. (For example, I’m currently working through the publishing process on Ingram Spark. That will almost definitely be a new article in the near future. Spoiler alert: Ingram Spark is NOT a better platform than Amazon — so far.)

Self-Publishing Series Resources

At the bottom of the Self-Publishing Series page, I’ve also included a few other resources that I found helpful along the way. I expect that section will only grow as I continue to dabble in self-publishing in the future.

It’s been an honor to share the process I went through with you! I know I’ll be re-visiting the articles the next time I publish as well. If you have any questions or update suggestions, let me know in the comments.