The Agile Wire Podcast

The Agile Wire Podcast with Jeff Bubolz & Chad Beier

I was on The Agile Wire Podcast talking about my new book, Agile Discovery & Delivery, recently! I had a blast talking to Chad Beier and Jeff Bubolz about the book, agile discovery, self-selection and our favorite subject, The Princess Bride.

Chad and Jeff are regular guest speakers in my class. They run a local agile consulting company called WI Agility and are incredibly knowledgable on the agile front (and fun to work with!). They have been doing a Kanban Simulation with the students that teach them all about Little’s Law, Work in Progress (WIP), and how the students can better manage work on their agile teams. After their session, I generally give the students the option to use either Scrum or Kanban for the rest of the semester. Many groups pick Kanban as they really like the freedom and visibility they get with Kanban vs. Scrum.

Watch The Agile Wire Podcast

You can watch or listen to my podcast appearance on You Tube, Spotify, Apple Audio, or right here.

Agile Discovery & Delivery on The Agile Wire Podcast

For something else really fun, check this out. Chad’s got a bit of a knack for music and parodies. 🙂