Scrum Day Madison

Scrum Day Speaker Spotlight - Amber Field

There’s an exciting new event coming up on September 14, 2023 at the Alliant Energy Center: Scrum Day Madison! Mary Iqbal has been doing an amazing job attracting speakers from all over the world to our little corner of it. I’m really looking forward to the conference! Madison in the summer is the BEST time to visit, so even if you’re from out of town, it’s worth considering a quick trip up here for Scrum Day.

There are still a few tickets left! If you use the discount code “Singlewire” you’ll get 25% off.

Scrum Day Speaker Highlights

Check out the full schedule here. I’m really excited to hear from quite a few folks on the speaker list. Keith McCandless, Author of The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures – Simple Rules to Unleash a Culture of Innovation, is giving the morning and evening keynotes. My friends Chad Beier and Jeff Bubolz of WI Agility are giving a talk about Product Backlog strategies. Mary herself is a Scrum Trainer and founder of Rebel Scrum (only one of my favorite company names ever). She will be speaking about building trust. Dave West, CEO of is giving the lunch keynote on how to form successful teams by matching agile personalities. Gunther Verheyen, Author of Scrum – A Pocket Guide will be flitting in and out of various sessions that day including the two I’m involved with.

Which brings me to….

Agile Fishbowl Q&A

At 1:30pm, I’ll be joined by a wonderful group of agilists for the Fishbowl Q&A. What the heck is a fishbowl Q&A? Well, it’s a Q&A session that starts with everyone writing down their questions on a piece of paper and submitting it to a fishbowl (like the ones you put your business cards into at restaurants…when we still had business cards). As the papers are passed up, people have the chance to upvote certain topics and that helps us form a prioritized backlog of questions.

We choose the highest priority question, one of the speakers volunteers to answer it, and then they proceed to get two minutes to answer that question. The crowd can extend the time or shorten it with a thumbs up or thumbs down. Sounds like my kind of efficient. I can’t wait to see how this goes!

Author Corner

At 10:30am, I’ll also be in the Author Corner with all of the other fantastic authors at the conference! There will be a chance to buy books, get signatures, and talk shop with all of us. I’m particularly excited to meet everyone else in the room. I’ll also have copies of my new book, Agile Discovery & Delivery.

If you’re still debating about whether to go, you should just do it! I’d love to see this event be wildly successful so we can do it again next year and I’d love to meet you there!