Noble Reach Foundation & Innovation in Government

Noble Reach Foundation

Last spring, one of the partners for UW-Madison’s Capstone program, which I developed and teach, was the Noble Reach Foundation. They are a unique program that partners with schools to teach students how to use techniques from the lean start-up methodology to find innovative solutions for government projects. You can learn more about their program here and here.

We Need Innovation in Government, Even One Under Siege

It’s a bit ironic that I’m writing this article now, while our government seems to be under attack from the very President half of us elected. Every day we hear about lay-offs at a new department or executive orders that step right over the line of constitutionality. While our government gets gutted, it’s hard not to think that progress has no place here anymore. But the reality is that we will get past this. Hopefully peacefully and legally. A government under siege needs innovation to help us solve our toughest problems even more than a stable government. In my opinion, the work that the Noble Reach Foundation is doing could not be more important today.

Noble Reach & UW-Madison Article

Noble Reach is planning to rejoin us as a partner in the Fall, and we had a great first semester with them. After the semester finished, they interviewed Conlan Gotzion, one of the students on our Food Traceability team. His interview tells a story about a small sliver of the important work that our government does in conjunction with non-profits and the students who want to be part of making this country a better place through that work.

Check out the article here:

First Mile Innovations: Conlan Gotzion’s Journey Through Impact and Ingenuity

Call Your Representatives, Please

I suspect many of the projects that Noble Reach might be working on are at risk right now. Staffing shortages all over the Federal government will make it very hard to move forward on important initiatives and even just keeping the lights on.

But, don’t give up here. There are plenty of decent people still out there who care about doing the right thing, helping others, and continuing to make this country a great place to live for everyone. We need all of you calling your representatives, sharing job postings, helping your neighbors, protesting and/or volunteering. Make a stink about billionaires taking away our rights. It’s the only way we’re going to get our government back.